Kshitij is obsessed with helping High Performers unleash their High Worth and Getting them off the Hamster Wheel so that they can lead a life of

👉 Boundless Fulfillment 

👉 Unwavering Confidence

👉 Deeper Intimate Relationships 

Since 2019, he has personally worked with 50+ high performers, including 7-Figure Entrepreneurs, Sought-After Corporate Executives, and Successful Doctors & Engineers.

Here's a video where Kshitij talks about his journey that has led to High Worth Cycle's creation.

The OG Years of Kshitij Sehrawat

The Void of Loneliness & The Journey Within

During the peak of his 'OG Years, ' Kshitij started to notice something.

Professionally & Personally, there was nothing he could have complained about.

But still, he felt there was 'something missing.' For days he was feeling completely empty, lonely, and worthless.

But, Kshitij always took challenges head-on, and he knew something had to be fixed.

He soon realized that the fix was not in the 'external' but was in the 'internal.'

And that led to a journey where he discovered his Subconscious Anchors, Indulged in Deep Guided Releases with modern techniques like Breath Work, Inner Child Healing, Anger Release Exercises, etc., and finally got in touch with his own high worth.

The Creation of High Worth Cycle

In late 2019, Kshitij wanted to help his closest clients and friends with their inner blocks and anchors. 

He created a close-knit community, where he helped some of the closest people in his lives get rid of their subconscious anchors and live a life of meaning. 

Kshitij was now consumed with Gratitude, and his life had a new purpose and meaning

In the coming months, he started to distill everything he had learned in his 'journey within' to create a step-by-step system that can help high performers unleash their high worth. 

A step-by-step system using which high performers were able to 

👉 understand their deepest subconscious patterns, 

👉 release years of stuck emotions, 

👉 and transform into ideal versions of themselves.

To lead lives full of meaning, lasting happiness, and deep fulfillment. 

And this is what led to the High Worth Cycle. 

If you want to get started, here's a free training which has helped over 1200+ high performers connect and release their deepest subconscious anchors in under 30minutes.
