Break Through Mental Glass Ceilings

and Discover Your Best Possible Version

Breeze Through Social Situations.

Develop Better Boundaries. 

Get Freedom From Emotional Baggage


✅ Letting Go Of Your Deep-Rooted Subconscious Anchors

✅ Releasing Pain & Anger Due To Bullying & Abandonment

Connecting With Core Emotions Bypassing Mental Chatter

All in this 2 days workshop!!

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Lemme ask you a question...

Two Years From Now - Do You Want To Be A Master of Your Emotions or Be Ruled By Them?

What would it be like if you were still a slave to the same emotional patterns?

What would it be like if you still have massive holes in your relationships or your social circle, or even your career?

What if you were still going through life, absolutely clueless, defeated, scared, and controlled by Deep Rooted Subsconsious Anchors and Patterns?

What if you kept on avoiding social situations due to social anxiety or the fear of being teased?

What if you allowed other people to take advantage of you, leaving you emotionally, mentally, and physically drained?


What if you had complete control over your life,

What if you had released childhood pain and stuck emotions caused by bullying, teasing, abandonment, and trauma?

What if you developed better boundaries where no one can take advantage of you?

What if you felt that you had complete control over your life,

Where you are cruising through your goals, have fulfilling, deeply satisfying relationships, and enjoy true financial independence.

The Path To Emotional Mastery is paved by :

🟣 Greater Understanding of Repeated Emotional Patterns

🟣 Confronting and Releasing Childhood Pain and Trauma.

🟣 Working with ‘Stuck Emotions’ like anger, shame, and grief.

Here's how you can get started with that...

Introducing : Two-Day Warrior Monk Online Workshop

At High Worth Cycle, we believe in giving a transformative experience, and the Two-Day Warrior Monk Workshop is designed to do just that.

It will not only help you connect with the innermost parts of yourself, helping you with profound self-awareness,

But in this workshop, you’ll also release some ‘troubling’ emotions (like anger, grief, and shame) that have been pent up inside your subconscious for years.

Here’s what you’ll gain from this transformative two-day workshop:

Day 1

De-Stressing & Connecting with your Subconscious

Day 2 -

Deep Emotional Cleanse & Summoning Inner Warrior Monk

Warrior Monk Workshop

Complete Access to Warrior Monk Workshop Recording

✅ De-Stress Meditation (Value: ₹ 3,999)

✅ Understanding Core Subconscious Anchor (Value ₹ 4,999)

✅ Connecting With Subconscious Self Process (Value ₹ 5,999)

✅ Invoking Warrior Monk Process (Value ₹ 4,999)

✅ Trauma To Transformation ACRP Process (Value ₹ 4,999)

✅ Deep Emotional Cleanse Process (Value ₹ 4,999)

Total - ₹29,994

(90%) Off



What’s Included

In this workshop, you get...

Instantly Let Go of Stress, Worries, Anxiety, and Non-Step Mental Chatter in under 10 minutes with the De-Stress Meditation.

Discover How Subconscious Anchors are formed, how they lead to repeated patterns, and finally, how to let go of them.

Learn How to Connect with your innermost feelings and emotions, gain greater self-awareness, and re-kindle with child-like joy and excitement.

Discover the 4-Step ‘Trauma to Transformation’ Process that helps you move past years’ worth of trauma and unleash your high self-worth.

Discover how you can look within and evoke the latent strength, wisdom of a monk, and confidence of warrior to unleash your Inner Warrior Monk.

Use this newfound courage and strength to develop boundaries and stand up for yourself.

Get a Deep Emotional Cleanse by Releasing years old emotional pain caused by bullying, shaming, teasing, hurt, abandonment, and grief.

Break through your inner blocks and going after things you want.

Discover the exact blueprint on how to make this transformation permanent

An exclusive Q&A with Kshitij to guide you and answer any of your personal doubts and questions about your workshop experience. (only for the premium tier.)


✅ You’re often overwhelmed by stress and anxiety and want to learn how to de-stress on demand.

✅ You were bullied or shamed as a child or faced neglect and abandonment from parents.

✅ You see yourself FALL BACK into repeated patterns and feelings of low self-worth, procrastination, neglect, and self-hate.

✅ You feel scared and anxious in social situations and can't have conversations with people. Additionally, you might feel if you talk to people they will make fun of you and bully you.

✅ You feel you are held back by Deep Rooted Subconsious Anchors and repeating life patterns, and want to learn how you can let go of them.

✅ You are willing to work on yourself, confront & release stuck emotions and want to unleash your true self-worth.

✅ You feel you’re pushed to the ground by carrying this Emotional Baggage filled with pent-up anger, grief, frustration, and shame.


❌ You don’t believe in letting go of childhood trauma and feel that you’re already at the best possible version of yourself.

❌ This isn't about ‘New Age Healing’ practices like using crystals, incense sticks, and sound healing. Although helpful, that's not what we focus on here.

❌ You feel like a victim, incapable of transformation and change.

Warrior Monk Workshop

Complete Access to Warrior Monk Workshop Recording

✅ De-Stress Meditation (Value: ₹ 3,999)

✅ Understanding Core Subconscious Anchor (Value ₹ 4,999)

✅ Connecting With Subconscious Self Process (Value ₹ 5,999)

✅ Invoking Warrior Monk Process (Value ₹ 4,999)

✅ Trauma To Transformation ACRP Process (Value ₹ 4,999)

✅ Deep Emotional Cleanse Process (Value ₹ 4,999)

Total - ₹29,994

(90%) Off



Meet Your Instructor: Kshitij Sehrawat

Kshitij Sehrawat helps high performers unleash their High Worth and Getting them off the Hamster Wheel so that they can lead a life of
👉 Boundless Fulfillment
👉 Unwavering Confidence
👉 Deeper Intimate Relationships

Over the past 3 years, he has personally worked with 1100+ high performers, including 7-Figure Entrepreneurs, Sought-After Corporate Executives, and Successful Doctors & Engineers.

For his work, he has been featured and recognized by top media publications like Vice, Times of India, MensXP, and Indiatimes and is one of the most sought out coaches in the personal development industry.

Warrior Monk Workshop

Complete Access to Warrior Monk Workshop Recording

✅ De-Stress Meditation (Value: ₹ 3,999)

✅ Understanding Core Subconscious Anchor (Value ₹ 4,999)

✅ Connecting With Subconscious Self Process (Value ₹ 5,999)

✅ Involving Warrior Monk Process (Value ₹ 4,999)

✅ Trauma To Transformation ACRP Process (Value ₹ 4,999)

✅ Deep Emotional Cleanse Process (Value ₹ 4,999)

Total - ₹29,994

(90%) Off


Frequently Asked Questions

🟣 Is the Workshop live?

No, only for the first time, the Warrior Monk Workshop was held live. Now, you will get access to the replay of the Workshop that you can access as per your convenience.

🟣 How do I get access to the workshop?

Once you sign up and complete your payment, you can login at the Tagmango app. Or at  

🟣 Do I need to prepare for the workshop?

Make sure you’re in a personal space where you won’t be disturbed, and you can freely express yourself. 

During the workshop, it’s common for Deep emotions to be released through crying, laughing, screaming.

You’ll also need-

- A soft toy or a pillow.
- A yoga mat
- Some old newspapers

- Multiple pillows
- Bluetooth-powered earphones to be able to meditate and do releases without being attached to your computer.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing
- Have enough space to move around a bit.
- Since this is an interactive workshop, make sure your entire body is visible to your coach. This will help in giving you inputs during the workshop.

🟣 I am never able to meditate. What if I am unable to Connect with my Subconscious Anchors?

It’s completely fine if you’ve never done anything like this before. Or if you had even tried to meditate before but weren’t able to.

In this workshop, you’ll be led through a series of guided meditation and processes. These same processes have been taught to hundreds of high performers coming from different backgrounds and have profound experiences.

Allow yourself to immerse fully in the workshop. As long as you follow the instructions, you’ll be able to connect with your innermost feelings, subconscious anchors and achieve true, long-lasting transformation.

🟣 What kind of transformation can I expect after the workshop?

The workshop will firstly help you to de-stress and relax. It will also help you gain awareness of your repeated patterns,

so the next time you see yourself indulging in something similar, you’ll be conscious of it.

You’ll also be guided through the process to release anger, pain, grief, and shame.

This will help you feel emotionally lighter, and you’ll feel greater freedom from the shackles of childhood trauma.

We’ll also be working with you to help you overcome the trauma you face due to bullying, shaming, teasing in school.

All of this will lead to -

- Ability to build boundaries around yourself.
- Find the inner confidence to breeze through all social and professional situations.
- Summon Latent Warrior Monk strength on-demand and build feelings of safety around your inner self.
- Ability to say no, stand up for yourself.
- Let go of your fear of conflict and overcome social anxiety.

🟣  Will, there be a future Live Warrior Monk Workshop?

No! In the future, we won't be doing a Live Workshop.

🟣 Can I get a refund?

No. There are no refunds available for the workshop.

You’ll be given access to all the meditations and processes mentioned above. If you allow yourself to immerse in these processes and meditations, you will get the desired results and transformation!

However, the results are still based on your personal level of commitment to the workshop. There is no way for us to guarantee that hence we will not be able to provide any refund.
